Sunday 3 June 2018

Transactional Analysis Theory and Practice - A Comprehensive Cure Plan

This blog comes from Ajit Karve, BSc, BTA, a Transformational TA Coach
See the other blogs here : Table of Contents

A Comprehensive Cure Plan
Please visit > Goals of TA and Daily Affirmations before reading further

Twelve Month Liberating Sadhana
Designed by Ajit Karve

Month One
Do six things differently.
This promotes Neuro-genesis, Neuro-synthesis and Neuro-plasticity.

Month Two
Eat one meal a day slowly, deliberately, attentively  over 40 minutes without engaging in any other activity.

This frees the Free Child

Installing an endocrinologically programmed Permissive CP and NP

Month Three
Creating the moment
Entering the moment
Staying in the moment
Using Ajit Karve Technique

Month Four
Empowering the Adult by:

1. Patiently waiting, postponing and delaying responses to urges, drives and Impulses

2. Implementing Reality Principle

3. Implementing Social Control

4. Implementing Adult Reality Testing. This by pushing brain stem response through mid-brain to fore-brain

5. Learning to deal with Situations by ending them
Learning to deal with Problems      by solving them
Learning to deal with Difficulties   by facing them
Learning to deal with Conditions    by tiding over them
Learning to deal with Challenges    by facing them
Learning to deal with Conflicts       by accepting them
Learning to deal with People  by using game-free, level, open, honest interactions in intimacy.
All these while observing the thumb rule of: 'sanely, safely, effectively, appropriately and to the benefit of all'.

Month Five
Knowing Mind
Implementing Permissions Liberally
Using Ajit Karve Technique

Talking to body and talking to mind

Month Six
Implementing being loving, being friendly, being forgiving and being forgetting using Ajit Karve formulations

Month Seven
Discarding Rackets
Stopping blaming, hanging on hook, expecting, anticipating

Month Eight
Separating person and behaviour
Accepting the person and ignoring the behaviour. Dealing with behaviour in isolation by addressing personality with compassion.

Month Nine
Healing the early child
Using Ajit Karve Technique
0 to 6 months
6 to 12 months
12 to 18 months
18 to 36 months (3 years)
3 to 6 years

Month Ten
Healing  eight life stages
Using Ajit Karve Technique
1. Infancy
2. Early Childhood
3. Mid Childhood
4. Later Childhood
5. 10-12 year old
6a.13 to 19 year
6b.16 to 19 year
7. 19 to 29 year
8. 29 to 39 year

Month Eleven
Healing Script using Ajit Karve
Deep Dive technique

Month Twelve
Learning to stay in the moment

Practicing freedom from Psychological Time engagements

Practicing freedom from reach-backs and after-burns

Practicing improved interactions using VAK hierarchies and Paul Ware sequence methodologies.

Practicing intimacy dominant relating using roll-back and move-forward exercise

End of one year
Living life in new ways.


The one step journey to liberation from script-ridden-ness
Often takes a lifetime to accomplish.

People believe the mythical to be (true) real;
The real to be mythical!

They pursue to know the mythical.
Instead of exploring the real.

What is real?
'Any and everything'
that affects us pleasurably or adversely is real.

What is it that conditions our perception.
It is an intrapsychic mechanism the organisation of which is structured by our core beliefs.

What are these beliefs?**
These are beliefs about
1. oneself
2. others
3. our quality of life entitlements
4. how good the world in which we live is conducive to our existence
5. how good we are to deal with the world successfully
6. the  attitude that will best get us what we want and succeed in not being forced to have what we don't want

How are these beliefs generated?
1. By attaching meaning
2. By process of personalisation
3. By implementing Procrustes and Unicorn
4. By attribution
5. By holding what is harmful, damaging, hurting and painful close to our heart and not letting it go

What is it that controls this process?

What is chitta?

What does psyche do?
It psyches us.

What is psyching?
Depriving us of our capacity for awareness. (भान रहात नाही).

How does it do it?
By making us believe that what we hold to be true is the only truth.

What are its activating components?
1. Memories of the framing beliefs listed above at **
2. Absence of awareness
3. Believing in destiny, fate, the imagined projections, mythical fantasies, incapacitating impositions to state a few.
4. Attribution (labelling i.e. naming classifying as good/bad, useful/useless, harmless/harmful)
5.Holding believed proofs to be the gospel truths (this is the cause of ignorance)

How do they manifest?
When we justify, protect and profess.

What is such a person called?
A script ridden person.

What is script?
Script is an intrapsychic mechanism that gets activated when the manifesting reality challenges our scripty view of reality.

What then happens?
The person becomes incapacitated, victimised and enslaved.

He perceives reality with an altered tunnel vision which he doggedly justifies as the only truth.

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