Friday 1 June 2018

Transactional Analysis Theory and Practice - Summing Up

This blog comes from Ajit Karve, Transformational TA Coach

See the other blogs here :  Table of Contents

Summing Up

We have covered the entire content of Theory of Transactional Analysis. The contents not covered are trans-generational script transmission and structural and functional pathology in second order Parent and Child Structures. These latter are significant in understanding the manifestations of Critical and Rescuing Parent and Compliant, Rebel and Adapted Child in persons. 

It is the considered view of the author that Personality and Script are two faces of the same phenomenon. It is the phenomenon that affects a person's ego - the ego of Freud's Super-ego, Ego and Id model. It is so because it is the ego which has two dimensions. One dimension is the somatic component. The other is the psychological component which in Bernian TA is mentioned as psychic organs. The activated psychic organs manifest as personality PAC structures. Script Activation is accompanied by double contamination. This is the personality manifestation of script. It is evident in person taking up one of the six Stewart Personality Adaptations.  

Therefore upon one of the millions of triggers that affect a person's view of reality see > 08.01 Introduction to Script and thereby his or her frame of reference the script gets activated. The script requires five weak-spots to take over the system. They are: (1) Parental Directives (2) A suitable Personality Development (3) A Childhood Decision (4) A Real Turn-on to a particular method of success or failure, and (5) A convincing attitude. They all get activated together. Thereupon the script affects the person psychologically as well as somatically. We conclude from the Script System that some of many rackety displays* become evident alongside escalation of somatic ailments. 

*Here is a list of rackety displays in addition to items included in the script system diagram.
  1. Experiencing stuckness, confusion, indecision, struggle, conflict.
  2. Experiencing inadequacy, incompetency, and inability to manage emotional takeovers.
  3. Experiencing inability to get out of emotional and thinking lock-jams.
  4. Driver Behaviour.
  5. Manifestations of Thinking Disorders.
  6. Manifestation of Racket Behaviours and Moving to Game Roles.
  7. Verbal patterns and 'gallows laughter', smiles.
  8. Redefining Transactions.
  9. Feeling helpless to get out of the existing pattern of thinking, feeling.
  10. Justifying, protecting and professing one's views.
  11. Inability to assume responsibility to be sane, safe, appropriate and effective.
  12. Victimisation by arrogance, being cowed down, taken for a ride, exploitation, giving back and other related.
  13. Using diversive tactics, postponing, bouncing off responsibility, failing to take proactive action.
  14. Engaging in competitive symbiosis.
  15. Manifestation of Passive Behaviours. 
Berne has mentioned that script cure is a far call. All one can do is to reduce the intensity, recurrence and remaining locked in games and also racket lock-jams. The rackets are thinking, feeling, emotional, behaviour, action, expression rackets in the main.

The author has after extensive research and application come to the conclusion that script cure can also be achieved in self help mode by using methods that indirectly generate changes in core areas of script contributors. See item 9 in 09.16 at > Implementing Self Therapy 6.


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