Tuesday 10 April 2018

Transactional Analysis Theory and Practice: Practice of TA - Building a context

This blog comes from Ajit Karve, BSc, BTA, a Transformational TA Coach
+919822024037; ajitpkarve@gmail.com
See the other blogs here : Blogs on TA Theory and Practice

TA Practice: Practice of TA
Building a Context

This part of the book is written to help readers use TA in a self-help mode. 

I compare Transactional Analysis to a large diameter well filled with water to the brim. I see close to 300 people from different walks of life drawing water from this well. I classify them into three categories. The first category is of those who learn it to have a certifying degree. The second category is of those who use it to guide others to apply it on them. In this category I would include practitioners from the four fields of specialisation - Psychotherapy, Counselling, Organisational and Educational. The third category is of those who learn it to put it to use themselves. This section is meant for persons from the last category.

There are two types of scripts. One is a script that has become part of our spontaneously programmed response to stimuli. This has become habitual because of first accommodating, then adapting, then becoming conditioned and finally programmed. Our life after we take up a job or the way we move through our life at work are examples. The other is a life script. This script is formed early in life. It is structured before we are seven years old. It is primarily the result of parenting. It may be revised or reversed towards the end of our teenage years or during our twenties. This script is a life plan we sincerely live out believing that we are destined to live our life that way. Relief from these two types of scripts is not easy to achieve. Nor is it impossible. It takes time. The neural pathways in our brain are already formed. We can do little about them. We need to build new pathways by implementing processes conducive to script-free thinking, feeling, interacting, behaving and living. A fundamental change in our manner of perception, evaluation, assessment and response results. This takes place by four processes implemented simultaneously namely, neuro-genesis, neuro-synthesis, neuro-plasticity and telencyphalisation. Neuro-genesis is the formation of new synapses in the brain. Neuro-synthesis is nerve endings in the brain being connected in new ways. Neuro-plasticity is neural networks organising in new ways. Telencyphalisation is pushing response system from the brain-stem through the mid-brain to the fore-brain. Brain-stem dominant responses are spontaneous. They manifest as fight, fright, flight responses.  Mid-brain dominant responses are spontaneous as well. They take over when stimuli reach them. They are emotions dominant responses. Last come the fore-brain dominant responses. There is a time lag between the previous two and fore-brain dominant response. They contribute in making sane, logical and rational evaluations free of beliefs. To achieve this one needs to patiently wait, delay and postpone responses. This patience needs to be maintained anywhere from five to fifteen seconds to a few days. The ruling objective is to generate a sane, safe, effective response using age appropriate Adult capacities. They are necessarily to be free of emotional hijacks. If this is not done the response is usually script-ridden. Script ridden-ness is pictured in the figure below.

The picture below shows the condition of a person who is affected by script. 

The most evident feature of script ridden-ness is a disconnect with the here-now. The mind is rarely where the body is or what the body is doing. This is most commonly observable when we are driving. Our driving activity takes place without any conscious effort. This conscious effort is evident when people or traffic challenges us or takes us by surprise. At other times our mind is engaged in mind talk or in 'psychological time engagements'.

Being in script, is manifest by we justifying, protecting and professing what we believe to be the truth and the only truth. We loose our capacity to move out to see, hear and think in multiple ways.

The Ox Herding Pictures help to plan our journey. This link Ten Bulls from Wikipedia helps to understand it in detail. This picture provides an overview.

Practice starts by Closing Escape Hatches. It is an Adult self contract. It is this: No matter what happens, I will never ever harm myself, or harm another, or cause material damage or financial losses, or be stupid, or go crazy. At deeper levels this is a contract to be aware of and deal with engaging in fantasies and autistic thinking.

Script and Personality are two faces of the same coin of takeover by the intra-psychic mechanism. While Script constitutes the mechanism, Personality represents its structure as a double contamination. The picture below elaborates:

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