Sunday 8 April 2018

Transactional Analysis Theory - Parental Programming and Script

This blog comes from Ajit Karve, BSc, BTA, a Transformational TA Coach
See the other blogs here : Table of Contents

Parental Programming and Script
Role of Parental Programming: Parental Programming plays a crucial role in script formation. It structures the script due to the 'physically, intellectually, helpless and incapable' child having to make compromises between urges and controls.
Meanings of Parental Programming: Berne writes: "Physiologically programming means facilitation", creating a path of least resistance. "Operationally it means  that a given stimulus will evoke ......... an already established response." Phenomenologically it means that "by listening carefully to what goes on inside one's head" the recorded voices "can be heard."
What forces the child to succumb to the programming:  Some of the following are the reasons and mechanisms that force a child to succumb to programming. May it be noted that programming is not always forced. The child adopts it in response to manipulation steering its way through the maze of manipulation. 
1. The child is small, weak and helpless;
2. It lacks cognitive capacity; It fears it will not be loved;
3. It has no prior experience, and only a limited options to try out;
4. It is always at the receiving end;
5. It is as much challenged as its parents are;
7. The demands of developmental needs keep pushing it too;
8. It is frequently faced with do or die situations;
9. It has nowhere to go. There is no escape from its parents;
10. It is threatened, blackmailed, even physically hurt by parents;
Parents may do parenting consciously or beyond their conscious awareness. A significant part of their parenting is structured by their own script and trans-generational programming that has been handed down  to them. The parental programming forces the child to think, feel and act beyond its means, while at the same time doing everything possible to clear the developmental tasks successfully and finding ways and means to be free of tension, discomfort, unease and stress.

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